The CME Coalition has submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the agency's final rule regarding the definition of practice improvement activities in the implementation of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA). Following the Coalition's comments on the proposed rule, the Coalition again asks that CMS continue to explore the potential role that continuing medical education (CME) can play as a clinical practice improvement activity. In its final rule, CMS acknowledged public comments encouraging the inclusion of CME as an improvement activity under the MACRA regulatory regime, and the CME Coalition hopes to work with CMS in order to include CME in the 2018 proposed fee schedule. In explaining its request, the CME Coalition notes that CME is "a leading means by which physicians, develop and maintain the knowledge, skills, and practice performance that leads to imporved performance and optimal patient outcomes."
The comments in full are available below.
The comments in full are available below.
cme_coalition_macra_final_rule_comments.pdf |